Friday, May 28, 2010

Why Would I Want to Use a Chicken Marinade Recipe?

Now there is a good question, why would anyone want to use a chicken marinade recipe? The answer is so obvious and easy:


I mean, come on, who does not want good flavor? Good taste? But then you can have those, but if the meat is dry then you have wasted your time. We do not want you to do that. So that is why you are going to help you out here.

Chicken, for some people is harder to grill or barbecue than other meats. I can remember so well when i was so much younger and just starting out as a twenty-one year old out in Colorado and I had just go my first barbecue. Every single time I would try chicken it would come out just black and burnt on the outside yet still frozen inside.

And then to go on from there to be a banquet chef in one of the fanciest restaurants in America where people come to from all around the world and tour and see and eat. Well, that says something. And through this blog we can, over time, help you to prepare some of the finest chicken, beef, pork recipes out there. Yes, there is hope for you to. Chicken marinade recipe: piece of cake for you after we are through with you.

First, to keep the chicken moist while you are grilling it, every so often apply some apple juice to it. Never put your finishing sauce on it (like barbecue sauce) until it is just about done since it is the sugar in the sauce that causes the flare up and then it burns. HA! How come they did not tell me when I was 21?

Yes, the sauce goes on at the end. And if you have been following my blog, you know that I am a keen proponent of after you get those good grill marks, then just move the meat over and finish it up over indirect heat. Or you can always lay down a nice layer of aluminum foil to redirect the heat. Thus, no burning.

Now a good chicken marinade recipe will be a nice combination of seasonings, acid, and oil. For the acids you can use:

*citrus juice

Now, let's get down to business. If you need a good chicken marinade recipe that is low calorie, yet very delicious try this one that I am going to give you. you have so many choices: you can slice it and thread it on a skewer, grill it up as breasts and eat, or after it is cooked, slice them and put them on top of a good green salad. Now that is healthy.

* 1/3 cup orange juice
* 1/3 cup lemon juice
* 3-4 cloves garlic, minced
* 1 tablespoon grated ginger
* 1 tablespoon fresh flat leaf parsley, chopped
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 1/4 teaspoon black pepper

Place your chicken pieces, whether they be breasts, tenders, thighs, whatever, in a large resealable plastic bag. Combine remaining ingredients and pour over chicken. Seal bag and allow to marinate in refrigerator for 1-3 hours. Preheat grill for medium heat. Remove chicken from bag and reserve marinade. Place chicken onto a lightly oiled grill grate and brush with marinade 2-3 times during the first half of the cooking time. Cook chicken for 20 minutes or until meat is no longer pink and juices run clear.

Now that is a very good, healthy, low calorie chicken marinade recipe which you can use in many different ways.

Thanks To : Good bbq sauce At

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