Sunday, November 7, 2010

Smoking Ribs On A Smoker

Smoking ribs on a smoker is fun and it can be very rewarding especially when you receive tons of complements. There are many recipes and techniques for smoking ribs on a smoker, but all agree that the best technique is to cook them with low heat over a long period of time. Done properly, this will guarantee juicy, fall off the bone ribs.

Smoking ribs on a smoker isn't something you do without some preparation and planning. It's best to start preparing the ribs the day before you plan to smoke them. This will give the meat plenty of time to soak up the flavors from the seasonings in your rub, if you plan to use a rub. You should because the difference between a good rack of ribs and a memorable rack will be the flavors provided by the rub.

Getting Started

There is a membrane that can be found on the underside of the rack that can be removed as well as some of the fat. Removing the membrane is an option, but I recommend it. The easiest way is to get it started with a knife and then get a grip with a paper towel and just peel away. It may take some work to get started, but then it should be no trouble.

Trim away any excess fat, but not all of it. Leaving a thin even layer of fat is recommended because it will add flavor and will prevent the meat from drying out during cooking.

The Rub

Apply your rub 12 to 24 hours before you plan on smoking ribs on a smoker. As mentioned before, this soaking time will give the meat plenty of time to draw in the flavors from the seasonings. A rub is optional, but highly recommended because the difference between a good rack of ribs and a memorable rack will be the rub. You can find my favorite rubs at the site below. The first step is to apply a thin layer of olive oil to your ribs. Once oiled, completely coat the ribs with the rub. Wrap your ribs in foil and refrigerate until about an hour before you plan to start smoking. Pull them out and let them sit on the counter. An hour should allow enough time to get them up to room temperature.


Fire up the smoker and get it to a temperature of 225 - 250 degrees. Hickory and oak are common types of wood to use and will bring excellent results. Different wood will provide different flavor. This is where experimenting will help you find the flavor that you like the best when smoking ribs on a smoker. You can experiment with adding apple or mesquite or a combination of different types of wood. Once you've reached the desired temperature, place your ribs, bone up/meat down, in your smoker. Remember to plan your cooking time for about 1 hour per pound.


Using a mop sauce every 30 to 40 minutes will allow your ribs to smoke and cook without drying out. There are many types of mop sauces, but most use a mixture that contains apple cider vinegar for tenderizing and flavoring the meat while keeping it moist. You can find a championship recipe by clicking the link below. Do not confuse mop sauce with barbecue sauce. A barbecue sauce should not be used until the last 30 minutes of cooking. Barbecue sauces will burn before your rubs are done cooking and you will not be happy with the results.

Finishing Up

Half way to of the way through your cooking time, turn your ribs meat side up. If you are going to use a barbecue sauce, apply it about 30 minutes before your cooking time is up. This will allow enough time for your sauce to cook into the meat but it's not long enough to allow it to burn. Finish cooking until a meat thermometer reads about 180 degrees. A good indication of being done is when you have about half an inch of bone exposed and if you pull on a bone, it separates from the meat with ease.


A common mistake many make with grilling any kind of meat is not letting it rest before cutting. A good practice when cooking meats is to let it rest, off of the grill, for 10 to 15 minutes before cutting into it. This will seal in the juices as the outside cools a bit and will keep the juices from leaving the meat when it is cut. Once your rack of ribs has cooled, slice it down one side of the bone and serve with a side of barbecue sauce for dipping.

Smoking ribs on a smoker is my favorite way to prepare ribs. You just can't beat the taste of succulent, mouthwatering, perfectly smoked ribs. If you want to receive tons of compliments for ribs that taste better than any that you could get in a restaurant, use the recipes and techniques found at Competition BBQ Secrets!

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