Monday, April 5, 2010

How to Get Thin Quick!

If you want to gain weight, go on a diet. If you want to lose weight, just make a few simple changes to your lifestyle. Losing weight is simply a matter of making the numbers work. In just 5-months, you could easily be 20-pounds lighter without going on a restrictive diet or depriving yourself.

Losing one pound of weight per week is easy! One pound equals 3500 calories, therefore you just need to decrease your calorie intake, or increase your energy expenditure by 500 calories per day. I prefer to use a combination of the two options for ease. Now just figure out where you are willing to adjust your calories.

o If you drink regular soda, cutting back on 24 ounces per day will save 300 calories. Then add a 30-minute brisk walk to your day (150-pound person), for a total calorie savings of 500.

o If you normally eat the Big Mac at McDonald's, but choose the grilled chicken breast sandwich (no mayonnaise) with BBQ sauce you will save 200 calories. A 25-minute jog will burn an additional 300 calories (150-pound person) to reach a total 500-calorie deficit.

o If you decrease the amount of peanut butter that you use from 3 tablespoons to just one tablespoon, you will save 200 calories. Add a 45-minute brisk walk (150-pound person) and you will total 500 calories lost that day.

This is simple mathematics. It does not even take into consideration the simple things that anyone can do to speed up their metabolism. Speeding up your metabolism means that you will be burning additional calories all day long. Here is a short list of easy ways to increase your metabolism: eat something within the first hour of waking up, decrease your meal volume to three fists in volume, add snacks daily and spend 10-minutes breathing deep daily.

Additional weight loss secrets include: increase your intake of fruit and/or vegetables to 8-10 servings per day, drink enough water to produce clear urine and avoid the sugar-fat combination. You can find many more of these simple tips in the book "Thin People Don't Clean Their Plates."

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