Friday, April 23, 2010

Wildflower Honey For Allergies, Sneezing, Itchy Eyes, Congestion and Asthma

After having a major reaction from an allergy injection which resulted in the development of asthma, I started looking for alternative ways to approach my health. I am allergic to everything under the sun and have been known to sneeze all day, break blood vessels from fiercely rubbing my itchy eyes and go through a whole tissue box in one day. All of these symptoms are part of my immune system's reaction to allergens. At the suggestion of a vendor at the local farmer's market, I began taking a tablespoon of Wildflower honey everyday. It took less than two weeks for my body to start feeling the benefits.

The reason Wildflower honey works is that it gradually vaccinates the body against allergens. Like allergy shots, it desensitizes the body and increases the tolerance to allergens. Honey consists of some of the same pollen spores that allergy sufferers react to. Introducing your body to these spores by eating honey decreases the occurrence of an immune system response, such as histamine. Honey exposes your body to allergens, reducing symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, congestion and asthma.

It is important to buy honey that is harvested within a short radius from your home. Also, it is more effective to take honey that has been made in the current season. Purchasing a fresh jar of honey at the local farmer's market is always the best option.

If you are using it to rid yourself of allergies, be sure to buy Wildflower honey. Take it alone and do not alter the temperature by mixing it in hot water or tea.

Besides using honey to help your body overcome allergy symptoms, it will give you more energy. It is great to take if you have a sore throat, as it kills the bacteria which attributes to a sore throat.

If you substitute honey for sugar when baking bread, it will stay softer for a longer time and will taste better. It stops nitrosamines, a carcinogenic, from forming in barbecue sauce when used in lieu of sugar. Tasting twice as sweet as sugar, you can use half the amount, which means using half the amount of carbohydrates.

Recommend : Good bbq sauce At

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